Art, Anime/manga, and video making:
Hello, My name is Hunter and I'm going to be talking about how I do my artwork and stuff. Okay Art is my specialty and I'm pretty good at it like I love to draw and the picture your looking in front of you is one of my artwork I freehand at drawing.
I make videos for a living, I make videos so that I can post them on social media to get views and likes so I can get my acount tons of followers. Video making is not that simple it's hard to do I use "Powerdirector "
to edit my videos so I reccommend you get to get it if you want to make a video's perfessionaly.
Anime is a Japanese cartoon in Tokyo and there are famous anime shows. Anime is not for children, cause there is gore, rape, and language but there are a few anime shows that are fmaily frendly like pokemon and more so becareful what you watch. My favorite shows are DragonBallZ, Naruto: Shippuden, Fairy Tail, Nanatsu No Taizai, and Tokyo Ghoul,those are my favorite shows.